Common Worship. Holy Communion. Order One.
Copyright: The Archbishops' Council 2000.
Software design: D.E.Mason 2010. v1.7
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The Greeting: (1)
The Lord be with you
Prayer of Preparation: (2)
Almighty God to whom all hearts are open
Prayers of Penitence: (3)
Our Lord Jesus Christ said
Confession: (4)
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we have sinned
or (5)
Most merciful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Absolution: (6)
Almighty god , who forgives
Gloria: (7)
Glory to God in the highest
(Readings and Sermon?)
Creed: (8)
We believe in one God
The Peace: (9)
The peace of the Lord
The Eucharistic Prayer
[Blessed is he...]
Lord's Prayer (new): (L)
Our Father
Breaking of the Bread: (M)
We break this bread/Every time we eat
Angus Dei: (Y)
Lamb of God,
Giving of Communion: (N)
Draw near
Before Communion: (R)
We do not presume.
... or (S)
Most merciful Lord
Afterwards: (T)
Almighty God we thank
... or (U)
Father of all we give
Benediction: (V)
The peace of God
The Dismissal: (W)
Go in the peace
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