(Home) VIN number

Could anyone enlighten me please on the actual Vehicle Identification Number (essential for spares etc) on a 1990 Masterace. On my vehicle details plate (VIN plate ?)I have the MODEL number, ie Q-CR30G-PQZX, FRAME number CR30-506501, other numbers for engine(2C-T), trim, colour, trans,axle etc. Am I overlooking something or, is the model number, prefixed Q, the VIN number ? - (#777) John Davis, 8 Aug 01

The Frame number that Toyota use cross- references to a VIN number. For European Toyotas, the dealer (or whoever) just types your VIN into the parts program. For Imports, he must use another program to convert the frame no. into the Toyota "VIN", which is like an internal build or order number, relating to a specific car.
Strange but true... - (#780) David Miller, 8 Aug 01

This begs the question does anyone know how to convert frame to VIN ? - (#866) Chris Rowan, 22 Aug 01

This begs the question does anyone know how to convert frame to VIN ?
Yes, you buy a cd...
Seriously, it's like an eight digit number... - (#882) David Miller, 24 Aug 01