(Home) Turbo-clean

In my translated hand book it makes much of opening up the turbo and cleaning the turbine blades.
This handbook appears to be a bit earlier than my 4WD Masterace Surf so is it just nonsense ?
My turbo casing doesn't seem too easy to open.
Seems a strange thing to find in a handbook but maybe you are all out there polishing your turbines on a sunday.
Any body know?
Ken - (#1047) Ken Taylor, 10 Sep 01

I,also, was puzzled by this note in the handbook but, while I changed the head gasket, and had the turbo inlet (air from air cleaner) and outlet (air to manifold) pipes removed, I was able to access and clean the turbo(air side) blades. However, I think that this can be done quite easily by just removing the rubber hose linking the turbo outlet to the ducting which connects to the manifold. I used a cleaning spray to remove the gungy oil deposits. It seemed to work quite well. I don't think that the handbook is referring to the exhaust side blades of the turbo because, to check these, I think the exhaust manifold or exhaust pipe would have to be removed. - (#1049) John Davis, 10 Sep 01

Don't touch the turbo!! The impellers are made to a very fine tolerance, and are brittle. Try to clean at your own risk! The compressor wheel shouldn't have much more than a thin layer of oil.- The turbo spins at 150,000rpm, and so keeps itself clean. - (#1052) David Miller, 11 Sep 01

Thanks for your comment David, Yes, I should have mentioned in my note that the blades should not be touched. I used an evaporating cleaning spray, ie, as used in the electronics industry, and this got rid of the gunge. - (#1055) John Davis, 11 Sep 01