(Home) Noise

Greetings to all
I need a little input concerning a noise on my townie. When I start the motor in the mornings I hear a sha sha sha ( only way I can explain it ) noise coming from the motor. As the motor warms up the noise grows faint. I have asked a few people and have gotten answers such as a loose belt, one mechanic told me it is a compensator ( I live in Russia, thats what he said it was, whatever that is? ) one guy told me it could be a bad bearing in the fan. Everyone says that it isn't serious and do not worry about. My thinking is if there is a noise, there is a problem and it needs to be fixed. In Russia they drive their cars until they die on the road and then worry about repairing it. Has anyone had this type of problem before?

- (#10779) mervin, 21 Sep 03 11:58

on easier engines I would suggest removing each belt until you locate the noise, which I suspect is the belt/bearing as suggested. New belts would be my first thing to do. While you are there you can turn each pulley to check for movement, any loose or gritty movement and there is you culprit. Might be an idea to start with the bottom ideler pulley that gets the worst of the road spray. May also be worth having the cover off and looking at the timing belt just to be safe.

- (#10780) Clive, 22 Sep 03 2:00

Thank you Clive for your advice.

- (#10857) Mervin, 24 Sep 03 5:25


Mine does a bit of sha sha sha..ing as well. It's the belts on mine, or at least one of them....Haven't singled out exactly which ones yet...

The easiest way I've found on checking if it is the belts is to start it up and make sure it's making the noise then spray a very small sqirt of general purpose spray lubricant directly onto the belts. If it is a belt the noise will usually instantly disappear, even if it's only for a few seconds. A word of warning here though, make sure you use a can that has a spray nozzle tube of at least six inches on it so it's difficult for you to accidently catch your fingers in any of the moving parts!!!

If it is a belt quite possible tensioning will cure it, else replace the belt(s).

- (#10858) Stewart, 25 Sep 03 16:28


When checking your belts also check that the crankshaft pulley is tight.If it has moved the belts might be out of line giving you this noise. Mine has just failed and ruined the crankshaft!.

- (#10859) Mark, 26 Sep 03 2:40