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when i turn the key after the diesel light has gone out i get a 'click sound'coming from the central bulkhead area above the engine. My alarm that looks quite cheap and nasty also goes off when it shouldn't. Could either of thes be linked to a 'bad earth'?? I need to get the thing started to get it out of the drive to check the overheating problem i have previously mentioned. regards David

- (#8101) David Mearns, 25 Jan 04 14:53

David. I assume that the engine does not start, nor does the starter turn the engine over, after you hear this click. This fault is well documented in Ace Answers but, briefly, it is the starter solenoid contacts closing (this is the click) but, due to corrosion on the contacts or bad battery connections, insufficient current is getting to the starter. Also, these vehicles do suffer from a current drop through the starter switch/relay circuit. Once again, this is well documented and remedies are available. As the starter itself draws it's high load current direct from the battery, it could well be that a none to well installed, aftermarket alarm, could be triggered, especially if it is wired directly (as some are)to the battery.

- (#8101) John Davis, 25 Jan 04 15:55

that's the main glowplug relay turning off...

- (#8101) david miller, 26 Jan 04 01:14